About the Condition and Treatment
To help us understand that this treatment is the right option for you, please answer the following questions. If you get stuck or need any help, you can contact us.
Did you get diagnosed with Gout after a blood test revealed high uric acid levels?
If so, have you had a blood test to examine the functionality of your kidney?
If not, how do you know if you have gout?
Does any of these describe you?
You have an underlying medical condition
You've been through a major surgical procedure
You have allergic reactions
You have cardiovascular conditions or might have had suffered a stroke
You suffer from a low liver or kidney function
Are you currently receiving any treatment or under any medication?
Please provide more information of the medication being used if any.
If female or transmale, are you currently pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to do so?
Please select your option
Can you relate to any of the following statements:
Colchicine is a drug to which you are allergic or hypersensitive.
You've previously used colchicine and experienced major adverse effects.
Colchicine is being used to treat a condition other than severe gout.
Did you know that you should immediately stop using the medication and seek emergency medical treatment once you experience the following symptoms?
High fever
Mouth-ache and sores
Throat irritation
Long-term bleeding
Rashes on the skin
Vomiting or nausea
Pain in the abdomen
Diarrhoea that persists after you stop taking the treatment
When having a bowel movement, you may experience pain or bleeding
Are you aware of any malfunctions in your liver or kidney?
Do you have a blood condition diagnosis?
Do you use any of the medications listed below?
Blood-thinning medications (such as warfarin).
Acarbose is a kind of sugar (to treat diabetes).
Ciclosporin is a kind of antibiotic (to prevent organ rejection).
Lithium is a kind of lithium (for mental health problems).
Amiodarone is a kind of amiodarone that is (for heart problems).
Medicines for the treatment of epilepsy and seizures.
Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) are drugs that are used to treat HIV
Medicines for the treatment of psychosis and other mental illnesses.
Do you have a history of using colchicine?
Has a certified medic diagnosed you with rheumatoid arthritis?
Are you having a fever or a temperature that is higher than 38°C?
If so, could youprovide us with more details about how you're feeling right now?
Do you presently have any medications for your gout attack? It could be pain relievers?
If so, what medications are you taking?
Are the symptoms of your current gout attack the same as they were during past attacks?
If not, could you please provide more information on how different the symptoms are?
If you've experienced this problem before, did it go away on its own with painkillers?
If not, what treatment did you utilize that was effective?
Are you suffering from a gout attack right now?
If you answered 'No,' are you optimistic about your ability to recognize gout attacks when they occur?
Can we share this information with your General practitioner?
Providing us with your physician's address means that you allow us to share this information with him/her for updated medical records if need be. It also allows our clinician to access your medical records if there is a need for that. We advice you share this treatment with your doctor for him/her to update your medical records.