About the Condition and Treatment
To help us understand that this treatment is the right option for you, please answer the following questions. If you get stuck or need any help, you can contact us.
Do you recognize that this medication should not substitute further treatment incase of an emergency?
Incase you experience an asthma attack, have difficulties in breathing or discomfort in the chest, be sure to seek emerency treatment
Does the following apply to you?
You present allergic symptoms or hypersensitivity to Airomir?
You have previously suffered negative side effects after using Airomir
You are using Airomir to manage a different condition other than asthma
If female or transmale, are you currently pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to do so?
Please select your option
Are you currently receiving any treatment or under any medication?
Please provide more information of the medication being used if any.
Does any of these describe you?
You have an underlying medical condition
You've been through a major surgical procedure
You have allergic reactions
You have cardiovascular conditions or might have had suffered a stroke
You suffer from a low liver or kidney function
Can we share this information with your General practitioner?
Providing us with your physician's address means that you allow us to share this information with him/her for updated medical records if need be. It also allows our clinician to access your medical records if there is a need for that. We advice you share this treatment with your doctor for him/her to update your medical records.
Has your general practitioner ever prescribed Bricanyl Turbohaler to manage asthmatic symptoms?
Did you know that inhalling more that eight puffs of Bricanyl a day is only recommended when one is undergoing an Asthma attack?
Has your general practitioner ever prescribed Clenil Modulite Inhaler to manage asthmatic symptoms?
Did you know that inhalling more that eight puffs of Clenil Modulite Inhaler a day is only recommended when one is undergoing an Asthma attack?
Did you kbnow that Clenil inhaler should not be used as a substitute for emergency medication in case you experience breathlessness?
Clenil inhaler should specifically be used only when one experiences asthmatic symptoms.
Has your general practitioner ever prescribed Pulmicort Inhaler to manage asthmatic symptoms?
Did you know that inhalling more that eight puffs of Pulmicort Inhaler Inhaler a day is only recommended when one is undergoing an Asthma attack?
Did you kbnow that Pulmicort Inhaler should not be used as a substitute for emergency medication in case you experience breathlessness?
Clenil inhaler should specifically be used only when one experiences asthmatic symptoms.
Has your general practitioner ever prescribed Qvar Inhaler and Auto inhaler to manage asthmatic symptoms?
Did you know that inhalling more that eight puffs of Qvar Inhaler and Auto inhaler Inhaler a day is only recommended when one is undergoing an Asthma attack?
Did you know that in the event of an asthma attack, you should do the following?
Immediately inhale one or two puffs of the Airomir medication
Settle down and catch a breathe slowly
If you still feel the same, take at most two puffs of the Airomir inhaler one puff at a time over a period of two minutes for upto ten puffs
if the condition does not seem to improve, please call for help immediately
While waiting for help to come, you could repeat the procedures stated above.
Would you be willing to seek further medical assistance if you experience the following?
If you need to use the Airomir inhaler on a daily
You experience uncontrollable body shakes, rapid heartbeat and hyperactivity
Did you know the following symptoms warrant for immediate medical care?
Your inhaler no longer eases up any symptoms
There seems to be an urgency for you to keep on using your inhaler
Increased caughs, wheezing, chest discomfort and tightness
Loss of breath when eating, sleeping or speaking
Increased heart beat
Breathing rapidly
Feeling weak, drowsy, dizzy or exhaustion
Change in color on certain body parts such as fingers and mouth to blue
Has a qualified medical practitioner examined your asthmatic condition?
Please reach out if you need further assistance comprehending this question
When did your last undertake an Asthma review from a certified medical practitioner?
please provide the specific month and year
In the past month, how often have you experienced a shortness in breath?
Please select your option
Has the Asthma been a hinderance to you over the past month? Please select your option
Has it been an inconvenience to you at work, home or social places?
How frequently did you experience asthmatic symptoms at night in the past month?
The symptoms include shortness of breath, Coughing, wheezing, chest pains
How effectively have you been able to manage your asthma over the past month?
Please select your option
In the course of the past month, how many times have you used your inhaler reliever?
Please select your option
Please provide a picture of the inhaler you are presently using
if the inhalr is not available, you can provide a picture of the prescription slip. This is an optional question
Over the last five years, have you been admitted to hospital over your asthma condition?
Do you consent to do the following?
Only use your inhaler as prescribed by a certified doctor?
Consult with a certified medical practitioner when your condition changes
Undergo annual asthma reviews from your doctor
Has your general practitioner ever prescribed Airomir to manage asthmatic symptoms?
Did you know that inhalling more that eight puffs of Airomir a day is only recommended when one is undergoing an Asthma attack?
Do you frequentlyuse preventor inhalers?
Notably, brown preventer inhalers are used in the morning to reduce the use of blue inhalers and may include: Clenil modulite, Pulmicort, Qvar aerosol, symbicort among others. Please select your option
Do you use any of the following medication?
Generic Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor
Unfractionated heparin,
Hypertension medication
Medication for Depression or bipolar disorder
N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
Migranes medication such as Dihydroergotamine
Did you know that Qvar Inhaler and Auto inhaler should not be used as a substitute for emergency medication in case you experience breathlessness?
Qvar Inhaler and Auto inhaler should specifically be used only when one experiences asthmatic symptoms.